29 February 2012

wedding wednesday: be my maid?

when i first say bethany's bridesmaid boxes on her blog, rinse. repeat., i knew that was going to be my first wedding craft to tackle. like bethany, my bridesmaids are all over the country. i wanted to make them something that would make them smile and that they could keep! 
each box has a different handkerchief inside that the girls will end up carrying with their bouquets during the ceremony (for all their tears of joy, of course!). i included information about the big day and a note to each girl. i couldn't turn down the lovely bridesmaid cards from rifle paper co. 
each box also had some inspiration photos and candy that is made in nashville, were we will be tying the knot! 
i had an absolutely wonderful time making these! it is such a great way to give the girls a feel for the wedding and share in the excitement! 

28 February 2012

Home Art Print
Deeply Loved Art Print
Narwhale Garden Art Print
The Old You Art Print
Hanging Whales Art Print
Coffee Tastes Better Art Print
i love these sweet and fanciful drawings by brooke weeber. aren't they just delightful? 

27 February 2012

it's official!

Moonrise Over Seattle Linocut Hand Pulled ORIGINAL Print SIGNED
michael and i are moving to seattle!
last summer, michael and i made a list of about ten different places that we wanted to live. the original plan was for us to move wherever i went to grad school. well, i changed my mind about the whole going to straight to grad school thing, so we were back at square one. it is surprisingly difficult to simply pick a city when you could really go anywhere. in the end, we decided that we wanted to experience the northwest, having spent the past four years in the north east. we are both so excited about exploring a new place. another plus is being so close to nature! i foresee many camping trips in our future. i'm already getting nervous about leaving behind new york because i am so comfortable here, but being comfortable with something is not any reason to stay (:
any seattleites with recommendations of things to do or places to live, please let me know! i'm talking a trip up at the beginning of august (two weeks before the wedding, eek!) to scout some things out but i would love to hear about things from those who already know too!
hope everyone is having a lovely monday! 

24 February 2012

nyc check list

Pinned Image
with a little less than three months left in new york, i am making a list of things that i would like to do before i leave. as i'm sure you can imagine, even the past four years has not been enough time to do everything. there are a few of the awesome things this area has to offer that i have not yet experienced.

1: a lighthouse in maine
2: the cherry blossom festival in d.c.
3: the bronx zoo
4: prospect park
5: the cloisters
6:the new england aquarium in boston
7: montreal
8: ellis island
9: brooklyn grange
10: guggenheim
11: spa castle

that's all i have for now, but i'm sure i'll think of a couple more. i'll link the corresponding posts as i check each item off my list. let the countdown begin!

21 February 2012

[a musical theatre moment] sondheim on lyrics.

if you know me offline (or if you have read my 'about me') then you know that i am studying musical theatre and that it has always been a big part of my life. i don't typically blog about theatre (except for that one time i met audra mcdonald [!!]), i mean, i get my fill at school every day. that being said, every once in a while i stumble across something that tugs at my musical theatre heart strings and i just have to share. so--the dramatists guild of america has started a new series, in the room, that features talks given by well known playwrights from the past 40 years. for those who don't know, the dramatists guild is an association that works to 'advance the interests of playwrights, composers, lyricists, and librettists writing for a living'. their first podcast is a talk by stephen sondheim on his lyrics--so interesting. i think that sondheim is a lyrical genius (i'm sure most people would agree:) so i loved hearing what he had to say! if you have any interest in musical theatre, sondheim, or creative writing in any form, you should listen to this wonderful recording. you can find the recording here.
and, if you don't know who sondheim is, or if you love stephen colbert as much as i do, then you should watch this clip. it is just delightful!
The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Stephen Sondheim
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive

hope everyone is having a lovely week!

17 February 2012

more maine...

someone (me) forgot the memory card. thank goodness they still make disposable cameras.

ps. our story is featured on my little loves. thanks bekah! be sure and check her out if you haven't before.

14 February 2012

young love--our story

happy valentine's day, everyone! i decided that there was no better day to share our love story than today! and..don't forget...valentine's day is about telling everyone in your life how much you love them! enjoy!

i fell in love with michael the day i met him. i was in fourth grade, we were at alps (the gifted/talented program at our elementary school). he was new to my school and he had the cutest glasses. (side note: because of his glasses, i agreed to get glasses myself, which i desperately needed...they didn't last long though.) i knew he was the one. of course, he ended up going out with one of my friends who was tall and blonde and had a habit of dating the new kid and i had other boys i was interested in. michael and i began building a friendship. 
left: my doodles around michael's picture in the 4th gr. yearbook.
right: michael's signature in my yearbook and my purple doodles around it.

by the time we got to sixth grade, michael and i were close friends and at the first football game of the season, during a game of wall ball, he asked me to be his girlfriend. i said yes (for the first time). i remember my mom asking me the next morning, "does it feel like a dream?" it certainly did. let me just say that we were the coolest kids in sixth grade. there wasn't a party we went to that we didn't each bring a book. yep, we were those kids. (side note: for the record, i out-read michael, and everyone else in our grade, every year for all of middle school. just needed to get that out there.) in may, we decided it was best to end it. i was going away to camp for most of the summer and wouldn't have a phone and it was just too complicated. 
seventh grade rolled around and we were once again best of friends.
in eighth grade, though, he asked me out again. i said yes, again. i even convinced him to be in the musical that year, the king and i. i was double cast with my cousin, mackenzie, as anna and michael's character kissed my/our hand. once again, we ended it at the end of the year as i went off to tennessee for camp and he was busy all summer with camps in texas. 
left: michael's note to me in my 8th gr. year book. yes, he misspelled write. he turned out alright though. also...note my hearts doodled around his words, although he did draw the one next to his name(:
right: us before our first middle school dance. as you can tell from my top, it was western themed. i'm sure michael had a cowboy hat in the car or something. i look so awkward but michael looks precious, and so short!

then came high school. we had some dances together and lots of study 'dates', but i was getting increasingly busy with choir and theatre, and michael was on the varsity soccer team and taking as many ap classes as he could. we managed to continue our close friendship until the end or so of sophomore year. by that point, we had drifted a little beyond each other's reach. senior year i was one of the girls honored at the philharmonic ball. i had debated as to whether or not i should ask michael to be my escort the summer before, but had decided on one of our other friends, bryan. well, lo and behold, michael ended up coming with his parents to the ball with his girlfriend at the time. the four of us had a blast dancing all the night, but at the same time, something didn't feel right. i told my cousin, mackenzie, afterwards, "the man i marry will be the one who can keep my attention when michael is in the room." 

 above: ice skating on michael's first trip to new york.. lookin' good...

then came college.  he headed off to boston and i headed off to new york. i thought the next time i would see him would be at our ten year high school reunion. freshman year brought some ups and downs. in november, i got sick and decided to take a medical leave for the rest of the year.  as a christmas present my parents bought me a ticket to new york. on a whim, i sent michael a facebook message that i was going to be in town and would love to catch up if he wanted to make the trek to nyc. it just so happened that one of his friends was coming to new york for the weekend to see his dad so michael rode down with him. i have to say that i had no intension of rekindling anything. i was talking to someone else at the time and michael was busy with school in boston. to our surprise (and delight) the time we had spent away had given us the space we needed to experience things and grow individually. we spent 36 hours roaming around the city. we walked through greenwich, down the hudson, cut through chinatown, went to the union square market, saw the lights of the city from the brooklyn bridge and top of the rock, went ice skating at rockefeller plaza, swing danced in columbus circle, returned to the brooklyn bridge for sunrise, walked back to manhattan via the manhattan bridge, saw hair on broadway, and had a lovely breakfast with some of his family who were visiting in town. that ended up being the first of many adventures in the city and all over new england. it was the beginning of a new chapter in both of our lives. the past three years have been filled with so much joy.

almost three years later, michael asked me to be his forever. i cannot wait for us to start a new chapter filled with new adventures together this august.

i hope everyone's day is filled with love.

13 February 2012

a weekend in maine

hello darlings! two items on my list of things to do before i leave the north east are (1) see a lighthouse and (2) go to maine. well, this weekend, michael and i traveled up the coast to maine. it was so relaxing and delightful. i don't think we mentioned wedding planning once! we stopped off at the cape neddick "nubble" lighthouse. the view was amazing. there was something wonderful about the calm that comes with winter in a summer town.
our cute 'lil zipcar

crazy wind = crazy hair

on the second day we took a stroll along marginal way. it was snowing like crazy but the views were still breathtaking.

 my bean boots in their homeland.

in order to keep me warmer, michael insisted that i have his jacket(because the longer i stayed warm, the longer i stayed happy, & the longer we got to hike :). boy, was i lookin' good! 

i hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!
and, i'm curious, does anyone else love to go to places "out of season"? or, do you prefer going when all the shops are open and there are lots of other lovely travelers? 

07 February 2012

guess who's allergic to rose gold...

that would be me. 
crazy, right!? 
i had been noticing that my engagment ring was leaving a black ring around my finger that looked kinda like a bruise. i went in a few days after we got engaged and the lady i talked to told me that it was probably from dirt getting caught under it. (in her defense, i hadn't taken a picture of it so she was going purely off my description.) well the other day it was really bad so i took a picture:
(it's kinda hard to see in this picture, but you get the idea!)
the next day, i took the ring & the photo into greenwich jewelers (where michael purchased it). they decided that i'm allergic to the copper in the gold which is why my finger was turning black. they offered to put in a lining of platinum (for free!!) so that the rose gold wouldn't be on my finger but i can still keep my ring. i was so relieved!! it was terribly hard leaving it at the jewelers  for a week, i don't know what i would have done if i had had to get another one all together! 
now i have one more reason to be excited about thursday!! only two more days until i get to see my darlin' (it's been three long weeks) and spend a long weekend in maine/boston! woo hoo! 
hope everyone is having a lovely tuesday! 

03 February 2012

fill in the break friday!!

1. if money wasn't an issue, the first thing i'd cross of my life list is a house! oh my goodness, i can't wait for the day when we have a little house, maybe on a little land. *sigh* all in good time!

2. sweeping and mopping are some things i like that other people think are weird.

3. if my life were a movie right now, the title would be i have no idea! there is so much going on that it would need to be a couple different movies!

4. three things i am looking forward to this month are snowshoeing at the ll bean store in maine(!!), valentine's day and two trips to boston!

5. my favorite song to sing in the shower is "on monday".

6. if i found out that the production of annie's cheddar bunnies was ending this month, i'd go out and buy as much as i could tomorrow.

7. one thing i'll never grow tired of is my darling, michael.

i would love to hear you fill in one of your blanks, and don't forget to link up with the little things we do every friday! have a great weekend!

01 February 2012

wedding wednesday: flower crown inspiration

i wanna hold your hand

happy february everyone! valentine's day is my absolute favorite holiday so i couldn't be more excited that it is only two weeks away. in honor of the final countdown to the big day (13 days to go!), i thought i would share these him&her gloves with y'all. how great are they?! i would absolutely make michael wear these with me (: they come in wonderful patterns, too! you can check them out here!
hope everyone is having a lovely week!